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Tanzanian Adventure: Kilimanjaro, Serengeti & Zanzibar

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If you're hoping to climb Kilimanjaro, see lions and zebra, plus bask in the white sands and blue waters of Zanzibar, this super active trip with simple accommodations is a fantastic option.

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East Africa: Drink It In

From its highest peak to its animals to its fascinating culture and history, this 19-day tour leaves none of Tanzania's stones unturned. The challenge begins with a six-day trek up and down Mt Kilimanjaro's Machame route before you embark on a safari through the Serengeti to see your favourite nature documentaries unfold in real life. Complete the adventure in tropical style, snorkeling through the turquoise waters of Zanzibar, or by simply by lounging on the white-sand beaches nearby to revel in the incredible life experiences you've just had.
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Travel Curator’s Insights:

    •Get ready for the climb of your life. Mt. Kilimanjaro, here we come!
    • See how this operator's "Clean Cookstove" project is helping women and girls in Maasai villages.
    • With basic accommodations and enthusiastic, friendly guides, this journey is for those who value lots of activity and adventure over comfort.


Save 20-25% on select departures! Ask us for your preferred date and special rate.

From $5,839 per person
Policies and protocols provided before you book.

Aug 24 - Sep 11, 2024
Sep 21 - Oct 9, 2024
Oct 5-23, 2024
Oct 19 - Nov 6, 2024
Oct 26 - Nov 13, 2024
Nov 16 - Dec 4, 2024
Nov 23 - Dec 11, 2024
Nov 30 - Dec 18, 2024
Ask us for later dates.

Year-round Departure Dates


Trip Sustainability Awards 


Local Community

ChildSafe certified and upholds a strict Child Welfare Traveler Code of Conduct



Works closely with The Jane Goodall Institute avoid harming and exploiting wildlife



Has launched the Plastics Partnership Project to eliminate the use of single-use plastics


Day 1 - Moshi

Arrive at any time. This is your opportunity to meet your Expedition Leader and fellow travelers plus learn more about your trip. Opt to join the group for a local meal afterwards.

Accommodation: Stella Maris Lodge or similar (standard hotel)

Day 2 - Moshi/Machame Camp 

Hike the lower slopes of Mt Kilimanjaro to Machame Camp. Most of the day is spent in the gorgeous and fascinating, forested slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro. Start at the Machame Gate where the group will register and begin hiking. The slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro are a rainforest zone, so trails can be wet and muddy. Keep a look-out for black and white colobus monkeys and exotic birds. On the first day of hiking the group covers a long distance with a gradual gradient. End the day at the Machame Campsite above the rainforest.

Accommodation: Machame Campsite (camping)

Day 3 - Machame Camp/Shira 2 Camp

Hike through lower alpine moorland to Shira 2 camp and observe the spectacular views of Kibo Peak. 5h-6h, 5km. Start with a steep ascent towards the edge of the forest. Climb the steep ridge and stop for a break. Before reaching camp, continue hiking to Shira Cathedral and enjoy the view of the peaks.

Accommodation: Shira 2 Camp (camping)

Day 4 - Shira 2 Camp/Barranco Camp

Hike to Barranco Camp via Lava Tower. Enjoy the fantastic view of Western Breach and the Breach Wall. 3h-4h, 7km. Climb slowly through the rocky terrain to the Lava Tower (4600m, 15,092 ft) from the Shira 2 Camp. The route becomes increasingly challenging and steep. Some hikers might start to feel weak or short of breath from the altitude so go slowly— “pole pole” as they say in Swahili—to avoid exacerbating the symptoms.

Lava Tower to Barranco Camp: 1h30m-2h, 3km. Descend from the Lava Tower 650m (2133 ft) to the Great Barranco Valley. Hike about 2 hours to reach the valley, acclimate to the elevation and take in the view of the Western Breach and Breach Wall along the way. Reach the Barranco Camp and enjoy the beautiful landscape as a reward for the day’s difficult hike. The Breach Wall surrounds the Camp on three sides and the area has an amazing view of hanging glaciers and the Kibo massif.

Accommodation: Barranco Camp (camping)

Day 5 - Barranco Camp/Barafu Camp

View the Great Barranco Wall and climb up the eastern wall, passing below the Helm Glacier. Barranco Camp to Barafu Camp. 8h-9h, 9km. Take a look at the view of the Great Barranco Wall from camp then get ready to climb up the eastern wall. The route is a steady incline that passes below the Helm Glacier and meets with the Mweka route on the way down. Get some rest at the Barafu camp, the site is a on a narrow, rocky, ridge with no barriers to block the wind. Get equipment like headlamps, hiking poles and thermal clothing ready to go for the very early morning start the next day.

Accommodation: Barafu Camp (camping)

Day 6 - Barafu Camp/Mweka Camp

Hike during the night to the Summit via Stella Point. Watch the sunrise before descending to Mweka Camp. The route from Barafu Camp to the summit is mentally and physically, the longest, most challenging day of the entire trek. Despite the difficulty, the memory of conquering Mt Kilimanjaro will stay with you forever.

Accommodation: Mweka Camp (camping)

What to expect:

Barafu Camp to Stella Point: 6h, 4km.

Wake up call today is at 11pm in order to reach Stella Point (5756m, 18,885 ft) in time for the spectacular view of the sunrise (depending on weather). Enjoy a snack and warm drink and get ready for the ascent in the dark up the northwest scree. Go slowly as the terrain is rocky and difficult, pass between the Rebmann and Ratzel glaciers before arriving at Stella Point.

Stella Point to Summit:1h-1h30m, 1km.

Start the 1 hour, gradual ascent to Uhuru peak (5895m, 19341 ft) along the snow-covered trail. Temperatures near the summit can range from -23° C (-9°f) in the morning to just below freezing overnight. Arrive at the summit at last! Take a deep breath and celebrate a successful climb.

Summit to Mweka Camp: 4h-6h, 12km

Begin the descent from the summit towards the Barafu camp, where the group will pack up and enjoy a quick rest. The route down will use the same rock and scree path as the ascent and will pass back through moorland and forest terrain. Reach Mweka hut in the late afternoon.


Day 7 - Mweka Camp/Moshi

Continue descent through the forested, lower slopes to Moshi. Meet the mamas of the Moshi Women’s Cooperative, a G supported project, for a climbing ceremony. Arrive to Moshi in the afternoon. Time to relax, take a shower, and celebrate with a drink. Cheers to climbing Mt Kilimanjaro! Before dinner, you will be welcomed and congratulated on your climb by the mamas of the Moshi Women’s Cooperative, a project supported by this operator. They will present you with a gift and a certificate to remember all your efforts on the mountain.

Mweka Camp to Mweka Gate: 4h-5h,10km

Hike downhill to the Mweka Gate. Enjoy the lower altitude and the view of the forested slopes of Mt Kilimanjaro. The route can be muddy underfoot so take care. From the Mweka Gate you will continue down into the Mweka village for lunch, normally a muddy 1 hour hike. Upon arrival to Moshi in the afternoon, relax, or opt to have that much-deserved shower and congratulatory beverage.

Moshi Women's Cooperative Visit: This project is supported by this operator's foundation. Women and girls are often the first to be excluded from educational programs in Tanzania, with most girls being pulled out of school by Grade 3 to help out around the home. Our ground partners provide free adult business education for women in Moshi, and Planeterra and G Adventures have rented a cooperative space to allow these students to practice their academic skills and save income to start their own business. Feel free to shop for for souvenirs and speak to the women who run the cooperative about their lives and how the project has assisted in building a brighter future.

Activity Option: Moshi Mamas Massage (Extra Cost)

Want to revive sore muscles with a relaxing massage? Have the Moshi Mamas come to your hotel and indulge in a 30 min massage after completing your hike to the roof of Africa! The Moshi Women’s Cooperative is a project supported by this operator, which provides business education to local women.

Accommodation: Stella Maris Lodge or similar (standard hotel)

Day 8 - Moshi/Arusha

Travel to the picturesque town of Arusha. En route, stop at the Moshi Women’s Cooperative to learn about what this project offers. Meet the women, learn more about their lives, and opt to purchase some souvenirs. In the evening, you may be joined by other travelers arriving from Kenya or starting the safari portion of their Tanzania trip.

Accommodation: Outpost Lodge or similar (bed & breakfast)

Day 9 - Arusha/Mto wa Mbu

Travel to Mto wa Mbu village and take part in a cultural walk to learn about village life in the area. Meet the women who run the village tours and enjoy a delicious homemade traditional lunch. Spend the afternoon viewing wildlife along the main road that winds through the lush cool forests of Lake Manyara National Park, overgrown with ficus trees and covered with bromeliads. This area is truly stunning, as the western wall of the Rift Valley escarpment provides a gorgeous backdrop. Search for the phenomenal birdlife, tree-climbing lions, elephants, giraffes, and hippos.

Accommodation: Twiga Campsite or similar (camping)

Day 10 - Mto wa Mbu/Serengeti National Park

Drive through the Ngorongoro Conservation Area and on to Serengeti National Park. En route marvel at the sheer vastness of this territory and spot the multitude of animal and birdlife while cruising through this acacia-accented savanna. Serengeti National Park: this is the reason you came to Africa. Charge your camera, grab your binoculars, and set out on safari. Your eagle-eyed driver will keep an eye out for wildlife – buffaloes, elephants, lions, wildebeests, zebras, and more. Tanzania’s Serengeti tends to be less crowded than some of Kenya’s reserves, so enjoy the scenery, the vast expanse of the grasslands, the play of light and shadow, and the up-close look at wild Africa.

Accommodation: Seronera Campsite or similar (camping)

Day 11 - Serengeti National Park

Rise early for a morning wildlife safari drive, returning in time for lunch. Continue the search for the "big five" in the afternoon while taking in the vastness of the Serengeti plains.

Accommodation: Seronera Campsite or similar (camping)

Optional Activity: Serengeti Balloon Safari, Serengeti National Park

Spirited aloft in a hot-air balloon, view the wildlife and terrain of the Serengeti that only the birds see. Enjoy a champagne breakfast and keep that shutter-finger good and limber—you’ll be using it plenty over the course of your hour in the air.

Rate: $559pp

Day 12- Serengeti National Park/Ngorongoro

Take a morning wildlife safari drive as you depart the Serengeti, then continue wildlife viewing in the Ngorongoro Crater, before getting a spectacular view of the crater from your campsite on its rim. The rich pasture and permanent water of the Crater floor supports a resident population of more than 20,000 to 25,000 large mammals.

Ngorongoro Crater Afternoon Wildlife Safari Drive: Head down into the crater and to all the best spots to view wildlife. Spot zebra, gazelles, buffaloes, and warthogs. The swamp and forest are home to hippos, rhinos, elephants, baboons, and monkeys. Keep your eyes peeled and camera ready to capture a pride of lions or a lone leopard walking along the crater floor.

Accommodation: Simba Campsite or similar (camping)

Day 13 - Ngorongoro/Arusha

Visit an authentic Maasai village and this operator's Clean Cookstove Project, then return to Arusha for the night.

Clean Cookstove Project Visit: Visit a Maasai village in the Monduli District and witness the benefits of the Clean Cookstove Project. In Tanzania, 95% of people rely on cooking with wood and coal. Women and girls spend hours walking to collect wood every day (making them vulnerable to assault and unable to use their time to go to school). Indoor smoke from open-fire stoves causes cancer, emphysema, pneumonia, blindness, and burns. Take a guided tour of these villages and meet the women that have been trained as stove engineers, visit bomas (traditional homes), and observe (or get your hands dirty) by helping the Stove Team build a stove in a home. See the beneficial impact of the clean-burning stoves on the health and daily lives of the Maasai villagers, especially the women.

Accommodation: The Outpost Lodge or similar (bed & breakfast)


Day 14 - Arusha

A free day to explore Arusha or relax at the lodge.

Accommodation: The Outpost Lodge or similar (bed & breakfast)

Day 15 - Arusha/Stone Town

Transfer to the airport for a short, but scenic flight to this island paradise. Arrive in Stone Town in time for lunch and an orientation walk. If you opt to continue on for a longer tour of Stone Town, you will be visiting the Old Slave Market, House of Wonders, Palace Museum; entrance fees to these sites are optional and are to be purchased on site.

Accommodation: Tausi Palace Hotel or similar (standard hotel)

Days 16, 17 & 18:

Visit a local spice plantation for a guided tour. Continue to the white-sand beaches and turquoise waters of Zanzibar's beautiful coast. Opt for swimming or settle into island life with your free time.

Spice Plantation Guided Tour: Delight your senses with a guided tour and learn about an assortment of spices, such as cloves, black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, nutmeg, breadfruit, jackfruit, vanilla, and lemongrass, and their various uses. It was the spice plantations that brought the beginnings of Zanzibar’s infamous slave trade dating back to the 1840s.

Accommodation: Fun Beach or similar (beach resort)

Day 19 - Stone Town

Morning group transfer from the beach. Depart Stone Town upon arrival in the late morning. Onward travel should be booked no earlier than 2:30pm. (This day includes Breakfast.)

Service Level: Camping. Camping most nights with some hotel/hostel stays to start and throughout; affordable public and private transport.

Activity Level: 5 - Challenging. Serious high-altitude hikes, cycling, or other instances of heavy exercise. Come prepared to sweat a bit.

Group Size: Small group experience; Max 14, avg 10.

Disclaimer: The information in this trip details document has been compiled with care and is provided in good faith. However, it is subject to change, and does not form part of the contract between the client and the operator. The itinerary featured is correct at time of printing. It may differ slightly to the one in the brochure. Occasionally our itineraries change as we make improvements that stem from past travelers, comments and our own research. Sometimes it can be a small change like adding an extra meal along the itinerary. Sometimes the change may result in us altering the tour for the coming year. Ultimately, our goal is to provide you with the most rewarding experience.

While it is our intention to adhere to the route described above, there is a certain amount of flexibility built into the itinerary and on occasion it may be necessary, or desirable to make alterations. The itinerary is brief, as we never know exactly where our journey will take us. Due to our style of travel and the regions we visit, travel can be unpredictable. The Trip Details document is a general guide to the tour and region and any mention of specific destinations or wildlife is by no means a guarantee that they will be visited or encountered. Additionally, any travel times listed are approximations only and subject to vary due to local circumstances.

Transportation: The transfer from Moshi to Mt. Kilimanjaro and back for your trek is done in a private minibus or van. The transfer from Moshi to Arusha for your safari is done in a private minibus or van. The safari portion is in private 5 or 7-seat 4x4 safari vehicle. If there is a large group, 2 vehicles will be used, and the group will be split up. Road conditions can run the full range of conditions from new to very poor, and during dry seasons, the roads (just like the trails on Mt. Kili) can become very dusty. This style of travel is by no means luxurious, but the seats are comfortable and having our own private vehicles allow us the flexibility of making stops when needed, and to stay and watch that crouching lion prepare for an attack.

Meals Included: 18 breakfasts, 11 lunches, 8 dinners.

Optional Activities & Rates (in USD):

Serengeti Balloon Safari, Serengeti National Park: Spirited aloft in a hot-air balloon, view the wildlife and terrain of the Serengeti that only the birds see. Enjoy a champagne breakfast and keep that shutter-finger good and limber—you’ll be using it plenty over the course of your hour in the air.

Rate: $599 per person

Scuba Diving Nungwi: Take a boat to Mnemba, a small island surrounded by a circular reef boasting an an abundance of colourful coral and marine life. Suit up and enjoy the excellent visibility allowed by the turquoise waters of this region. If you are lucky, you just might be able to spot the bottlenose dolphins that are known to visit this area.

Rate: $65 per person

Swahili Cultural Tour, Jambiani: Take a couple of hours to get to know the life of a Zanzibarian by being immersed in the local culture. Follow a guide through a rural village to see elements of day-to-day life, sit with men of the village to see how they weave palm fronds to make the thatch roofs for their huts, opt to play a game of Bao (Zanzibar favorite game past time), and enjoy a traditional dance performance.

Rate: $70-$200 per person

Snorkeling, Jambiani: Enjoy a day of snorkelling in the safety of an experienced snorkel guide in the area of one of Zanzibar's most well-known reefs surrounding Mnemba island. Lifejackets, short wetsuits and buoyancy aids available. Price is dependent on pick-up location.

Rate:  $35-$60 per person

Jozani Forest Tour, Jozani Forest: Known for the red colobus monkeys, a visit Jozani forest is a highlight when in Zanzibar. Explore the nature trails while following in the footsteps of a guide who will inform about the impressive flora and fauna surrounding you.

Rate:  $35-$150 per person




Image by David Maunsell


Two people in a room or tent together. Rate is per person.

From in USD:


Image by David Maunsell


Share at the double rate or you will receive your own single room/tent for all night stops with this.

From in USD:


If climbing Kilimanjaro is on your bucket list and you don't mind camping and simple accommodations, this multifaceted itinerary offers a fantastic experience of Tanzania with a high-energy operator.

Joy Martinello, Founder



What’s Included & Cancellation Policy:

6-day guided group trek up Mt Kilimanjaro's Machame Route with local guides, cooks and porters. All permits and fees. Lake Manyara wildlife safari drive. Serengeti wildlife safari drives. Ngorongoro Crater wildlife safari drive. Scenic flight from Arusha to Zanzibar. Orientation walk in Stone Town. Spice plantation guided tour. All transport between destinations and to/from included activities. 18 breakfasts, 11 lunches, 8 dinners. Private minibus, trekking, 7-seat 4x4 safari vehicle, plane, walking.

Travel to and from the start and end point of your trip, some beverages, some meals, gratuities, passport and visa fees (if any), optional activities, items of a personal nature (phone calls, laundry and internet, etc.), airline baggage fees, airport and departure taxes (if any), required medical evacuation insurance, optional travel protection insurance.


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