Wild Nectar Eco Score™️
Wild Nectar Eco Score
We have created a comprehensive eco scoring system for the trips we offer. We are continuously refining our system and working to ensure we are providing accurate and transparent information.
Our eco scores evaluate the trips we offer based on over 10 categories outlined to the right.
Eco Score Assessment Levels
Level 1: Publicly available information about our trip operators' sustainability initiatives
Level 2: Trip-specific assessments based on included destinations and trip elements.
Level 3: Wild Nectar Eco Questionnaire, for our trip operators to provide more detailed information on their initiatives
Level 4: Wild Nectar On-Site Trip Assessments, completed by members of our sustainability team
*All of the eco scores listed on our website are currently at a Level 1. We look forward to working with our operators to progress through the levels towards a more robust and rewarding analysis.
10 Eco Score Categories
We dig into the data so you don't have to.
Many of our trips are ocean or water-based, and water is a precious resource that many places lack adequate access to. We are spotlighting operators who take steps to reduce water consumption, purify their own water on-site, and implement state-of-the-art water treatment systems, among others.
The most effective method for shrinking a carbon footprint is to go straight to the source: reduce energy consumption and implement alternative energy sources. Our awards in this category focus on operators that are installing renewable energy projects and implementing energy efficiency policies and procedures.
Our operators are taking inventive steps to reduce their carbon footprints associated with travel: from introducing new ship fleets with unique designs that protect the reefs and purify all their own water, to simply ensuring that all company vehicles are either hybrids or fully electric.
We’re championing operators that recognize the negative effect construction of new structures can have on the surrounding environment and occupants. Exceptional examples of innovation in this category include: utilizing recycled building materials that are free from harmful chemicals and sourcing materials and cleaning products from sustainable, local sources.
Carbon emissions and offsets are currently hot topics in the travel industry, and with good reason. Tourism is responsible for approximately 8% of the global carbon footprint. Our awards in this category are focused on operators who are doing comprehensive overviews of their annual footprints and taking drastic measures to reduce them.
An essential component of sustainable development that is often overlooked is the care for local communities. Many of the communities spotlighted by Wild Nectar are reliant on tourism for revenue and basic function. Our awards in this category recognize operators that take steps to protect and empower the local communities they operate in.
Food and agriculture together are responsible for approximately 18% of the tourism global footprint. Many of our operators have partnered with local farms and operations to source as much of their food from the immediate surrounding areas as possible, including sustainable fishing operations.
One of the UN’s top Sustainable Development Goals is to provide quality education to all. We’re working to recognize operators who are going the extra mile to provide educational opportunities to local communities, particularly the education of women and girls.
Wild Nectar is recognizing the exceptional efforts put forth by our operators to fund, implement, and enact conservation programs in local communities. Examples of such efforts include: donating more than $4.5 million to the World Wildlife Fund, upholding strict animal welfare laws, funding and participating in local conservation efforts, and reforesting degraded lands.
A majority of our operators have either made commitments to, or have already banned all single-use plastics company-wide. Additional exemplary actions include eliminating food waste through responsible consumption and composting, as well as implementing innovative closed-loop distribution and waste separation systems.
We have added sustainability awards to each trip page to highlight the unique steps each operator is taking to increase their positive impact on the planet.
We pledge to work only with trip operators who are actively implementing sustainability plans.
Our goal is to constantly expand our sustainability expertise and to share our knowledge with our peers.
We want to spread the notion that travel can be a force for good, and encourage our operators and peers to continuously evolve their sustainability practices and goals.
We list the carbon footprint associated with each trip on each invoice and provide our clients with options to offset the emissions associated with their travel.
We pledge to use reputable offsetting companies.