We all have dreams and aspirations that we hope to accomplish in our lifetimes. These are often what we call "bucket list" items, experiences and goals we hold dear and want to achieve before it's too late - before you “kick the bucket”, hence the term bucket list. Have you ever written down your bucket list? For many, these lists are more than just wishful thinking, they’re deeply personal goals that reveal what truly matters in life.

Having a bucket list can provide motivation and have a positive psychological effect when items on the list are accomplished. Research (see footnote at the end of the blog) suggests that having specific, tangible goals, such as those found on a bucket list, can enhance motivation, contribute to a sense of achievement, boost self-esteem, and improve overall well-being.
Accomplishing bucket list items can provide a sense of fulfillment by promoting a feeling of success, which can lead to increased self-worth and satisfaction. It may also contribute to increased life satisfaction, as individuals often derive meaning from pursuing and completing significant personal goals. The anticipation of ticking off items on the list can contribute to greater happiness and a sense of purpose in life.

A study, hosted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and conducted by Periyakoil, Neri, and Kraemer (n.d.), aimed to uncover if there were underlying motivations behind people’s bucket list goals. Researchers analyzed the responses of participants who shared their bucket list aspirations, categorizing them into six main themes:
· Desire to travel
· Desire to accomplish a personal goal
· Desire to achieve specific life milestones
· Desire to spend quality time with friends and family
· Desire to achieve financial stability
· Desire to do a daring activity
Periyakoil, V. S., Neri, E., & Kraemer, H. (n.d.). Common items on a bucket list. PubMed Central. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5946728/

Not surprisingly, the study found that 78.5% of people include travel on their bucket lists, making it one of the most universal aspirations. Travel is more than just a change of scenery; it’s a powerful gateway to fulfilling many other bucket list dreams from spending quality time with loved ones to stepping out of one’s comfort zone. Let’s explore how travel ties into four of the five other key bucket list themes and how you can turn these dreams into reality.
Accomplishing Personal Goals
Travel can help you achieve personal goals in unique and exciting ways. Have you always wanted to learn a new language? An immersive trip to Spain or Japan can help you practice your skills. Maybe you’ve dreamed of hiking the Inca Trail to Machu Picchu or cycling through the Netherlands. Travel provides opportunities to push your boundaries, grow, and achieve things you never thought possible
Achieving Life Milestones
Certain destinations and experiences lend themselves beautifully to celebrating life milestones. Imagine marking a big anniversary with a luxurious river cruise, celebrating retirement by finally visiting Antarctica, or ticking off a lifelong dream of seeing the Northern Lights. Travel can transform these milestones into epic celebrations that honor the special moments in your life.

Spending Quality Time With Family and Friends
Travel creates unforgettable memories with loved ones. Imagine exploring Italy’s charming villages with your partner, taking your kids on a safari in Africa, or celebrating a milestone with a group getaway to Bali. Shared adventures strengthen connections and bonds, help create new perspectives and appreciations, and give everyone stories to treasure for a lifetime.
Doing a Daring Activity
For thrill-seekers, travel offers an endless array of adrenaline-pumping opportunities. Whether it’s skydiving over New Zealand, diving with sharks in the Galapagos, or ziplining through Costa Rica’s rainforests, travel makes daring activities easily accessible. These adventures not only give you a rush of excitement but also leave you with an incredible sense of accomplishment.

Make Your Bucket List a Reality
So, how do you get started on achieving your bucket list? Begin by writing down your dreams and goals. Then, look for ways travel can help you achieve them. Whether it’s a family reunion, a solo adventure, or a once-in-a-lifetime celebration, there’s a world of opportunities waiting!

The Wild Nectar Difference
At Wild Nectar, we specialize in curating sustainable, meaningful travel journeys that bring your bucket list dreams to life. Our trips ensure you experience the best of the world’s beauty, diversity, and wonder while leaving a positive impact on the destinations you visit while creating memories you’ll cherish forever.
Wild Nectar only works with trip operators committed to sustainability so you can have confidence that wherever you go, not only are you traveling in style, you are traveling responsibly. Wild Nectar Sustainability Check out our trusted Sustainable Travel Guide for tips on how to easily increase the positive impact of your travels.
Let’s start planning your next adventure and make those bucket list dreams come true
- contact us today!
Footnote: Research in Psychology Linking Personal Goals to Life Satisfaction
Life Satisfaction and Achievement: (Diener et al. (2018) found that having and achieving meaningful personal goals, such as those on a bucket list, especially when linked to personal values, is a key determinant of overall happiness.
Positive Psychology and Well-Being: Seligman (2011): In his book Flourish, Seligman highlights the importance of engaging in activities that align with one’s values and passions, which can be reflected in a bucket list. Having purpose and meaning, such as achieving personal goals on a bucket list, contributes to higher levels of well-being.
Goal Setting and Motivation: Locke & Latham (2002) emphasizes that setting specific and measurable goals can significantly enhance motivation and leads to higher performance and personal satisfaction, which is linked to increased well-being.
Self-Determination Theory (SDT): (Deci & Ryan, 2000) emphasizes that humans have intrinsic motivations for growth, autonomy, and competence. Completing items on a bucket list can help fulfill these needs. For example, traveling to a new country or learning a new skill can provide a sense of accomplishment, autonomy, and mastery, which lead to greater well-being and happiness.
Anticipatory Happiness: The concept of anticipatory happiness (also referred to as anticipation bias) suggests that the anticipation of a goal can bring joy before it is even achieved Kahneman (1997). The excitement people feel when thinking about ticking off items on their bucket list can have a positive impact on mood and overall life satisfaction.